This week's feature is on jewelry and I will share my favorite 5 pieces of jewelry and what wearing them means to me.

{#1} Hadley and Annalyn charms Lisa Leonard Necklaces For my 31st birthday my mom and dad came to Dallas and stayed for a little over a week because my second daughter was just born! My mom surprised me with these beautiful charms on a necklace with each girl's name and their birthstone! I've worn them daily since she gifted them to me and they are incredibly durable! I never take them off and they still look great after showers, swimming, and babies pulling on them during diaper changes! They were one of the last birthday gifts my mom gave me so they will always be priceless to me

{#2} My wedding band Christmas of 2017, my husband took me by complete surprise when he took me shopping for a new wedding band set! After having our first daughter I told him I wanted a band to represent her as a part of my wedding set. the time we settled into having a newborn, baby #2 was on the way!
After dinner one evening, Hunter told me he wanted to look at some watches which ended up being a surprise for me to pick out a new band! We decided on a wrap for my engagement ring to symbolize both girls surrounding our marriage. I decided to keep my wedding band close to my heart and added it to my necklace.
{#3} Mom's fingerprint charm
This is the newest addition and probably the most special part of my necklace right now. Hunter and my brother in law surprised my sister and I with a silver charm that has an engraving and my mom's thumbprint. A charm like this would be special to have to remember a loved one always, but this had a little extra special meaning to it. When the guys asked my mom to write a message and do her thumbprint, we had no idea she would die the next day. The writing on my necklace were the last words she ever wrote. We didn't realize how bad she was feeling that day, but when I saw the attempts of her writing, you could see how hard she was trying.
I catch myself rubbing this charm between my fingers and holding it close when I'm stressed or worried. I love holding a part of my mom close. In the moments I wish I could call her for advice or text her for a quick pick me up, I know I can grab my charm and say a special prayer right to her.

{#4} Engagement ring
You knew this one was coming, right? Everyone's engagement ring is special to them for so many reasons, but I want to share what makes mine special to me.
To start with, Hunter and I looked at engagement rings after he lost a bet at dinner one night! After showing him rings I liked...I anxiously waited, and waited, and waited, and waited some more! He finally surprised me with the most perfect proposal at Texas A&M century tree before a football game surrounded by our family!
The biggest surprise to me was the diamond in the center. His grandparents passed down to Hunter a family diamond that was his grandma's engagement ring and his great grandma's earrings. I love looking at my finger and seeing so much family history of love and marriage in one beautiful stone!
#5 Blessed Bracelet
When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago, I celebrated the end of her treatment with buying all the women in my family a "blessed" bracelet from Stella and Dot. I chose this bracelet for everyone to remind us that despite everything we're going through in our lives to remember how blessed we are. Also, all the proceeds of the bracelet went to breast cancer research.
When my mom battled breast cancer in 2013, she constantly talked about how fortunate and blessed she was to be given a chance to fight for her health. She never took a moment of it for granted and counted her blessings in every step.
I love wearing that bracelet and thinking about how strong and brave she was. I love thinking about all my family wearing it together because when life gets hard, we grow closer and lean into each other. My mom asked to be buried with that bracelet and I can't put into words the overflow of emotions I felt when she told me that. My sister and I were sitting with her in her bedroom a few days before she passed because she had insisted we sort through her jewelry that day. As she talked about each piece, I remember her saying she wanted to take that one with her because no matter what, she was still blessed. Every time I wear that bracelet or see my family wear it, I'll never forget her strength and grace. I'll always remember my blessings are greater than my worries.

I put a couple of my favorite pieces together as one necklace and I wear them daily. I love keep my most special memories closest to my heart
Every day I wear my jewelry I given a chance to choose joy. Each piece I wear is a part of my story and who I am. Wearing them gives me a strength within myself to continue going when I don't think I can. What do you wear or keep tucked in your jewelry box to bring you joy?
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