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  • Simple Joy
  • @SimpleJoySisters

SJ Season 2 is Here!

We know it has been way too long, but we are back and excited to continue our mission of looking for those moments of joy in the...

{10} My Everyday Life- Leslie Coxon

Don't miss part two of our interview with Leslie!! We know you are going to LOVE it!! You can also catch up below on the first part of...

{6} My Everyday Life: Kristen Richardson

Today we have another My Everyday Life episode with our friend Kristen Richardson. Kristen is a nurse practitioner that specializes in...

New Year...New You! NO thank you!

- Melissa- Okay...let me explain. I am all about looking back and reflecting on the past year, as well as looking towards the year ahead....

{5} Victoria McCarter- Mercy Multiplied

We are so excited to kick off the month of January with our amazing first guest, Victoria McCarter. Not only she a senator’s wife, but...

{4} After the show...

We had so much fun catching up with our friend Kim that we just couldn't stop talking. Listen in as Lauren and I chat about some of the...

Have you seen my elephant?

Is there an elephant behind me? There’s two ways this situation happens. The first scenario goes down like this: You and I see each...

{3} Simple Joy: Everyday Life with Kim Krueger

One of my favorite things to do is catch up with my best buddies! Just so happens you all can listen in on this one. Join my sister and...

Saying goodbye to Mom

When my mom was diagnosed back in April, I remember thinking, how do you write a Eulogy? Does a daughter write the Eulogy? Who even makes...

Splurge vs Save {Costco}

If you know me... You know I LOVE me some Costco! Like my outfit? It's from Costco! Like my powdered peanut butter? COSTCO! Those...

Meet {Claire}

Hi Y’all! I’m Claire and I’m so excited to be a part of this amazing new adventure with one of my nearest & dearest friends of 10 years. ...

Introducing Simple Joy {Style}

Here at Simple Joy we want to bring you parts of life that are filled with JOY! Shopping and online Pinterest dreaming are a favorite...

4 Easy Ways to Support Immunity

This year my youngest son entered pre-K and my oldest, fourth grade, which means a whole new world of exposure to illness this winter....

{#1} Introducing Simple Joy

Thanks for checking out this week's podcast! In this episode, we launch our podcast series by introducing Simple Joy! We also take turns...

{A Warm Home}

You don't realize how grateful you are for a warm and safe home until the temperatures drop and the idea of going outside is terrible!...

Have you said, "Thanks"'s why you should!

"Thanks!” It’s such a simple expression of gratitude. How many times do you think you say it — or hear it said to you — in a day? As we...

Words no one wants to 3 am!

"Mom...Cooper just threw up on me." I heard as a dark figured peered over me as I laid sleeping in my bed. I glanced at the clock...3:04...

Favorite Things {{Jewelry}}

This week's feature is on jewelry and I will share my favorite 5 pieces of jewelry and what wearing them means to me. {#1} Hadley and...

© 2018 by Simple Joy Sisters. 


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