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  • Simple Joy
  • @SimpleJoySisters

SJ Season 2 is Here!

Writer's picture: Simple JoySimple Joy

We know it has been way too long, but we are back and excited to continue our mission of looking for those moments of joy in the everyday!!

Life this past year has been a bit of a whirlwind for both of our families as we settled into some new routines. I started a new teaching position and have been getting into a groove in my new building. Lauren has been a busy OT taking care of patients, while loving on her two adorable little girls and adjusting to her husband's new busy travel schedule.

However, with the recent health outbreak and the uncertainty surrounding our new day to day, we realized we needed to remind our own hearts of the many moments of JOY all around us that we might miss if we focus only on the challenges we are facing.

Therefore, we are excited to kick off Season 2 with a familiar friend! Listen in as we welcome back our friend and founder of the non-profit organization Brace for Impact, Bridget McClellan. Brace is an organization dedicated to creating strong communities both locally and abroad.

In this episode, we discuss our recent trip to Cap Haiten, Haiti and our visit to the IDADEE children’s home. To say this trip was life changing, does not even begin to describe all the FEELS and the impact it had on my own heart and family. I look forward to sharing more about the amazing work BRACE is doing and the lives I saw changed and the JOY being spread by so many!

HELP SUPPORT TEAM ANDERSEN'S 208 Challenge here! ANY amount helps...$1- $208!!!! We appreciate your support!

To learn more about Brace for Impact, click below:

Looking for a delicious way to support can order delicious ready to brew beans right to your door!!



© 2018 by Simple Joy Sisters. 


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