Don't miss part two of our interview with Leslie!! We know you are going to LOVE it!! You can also catch up below on the first part of our conversation!
{8} Leslie Coxon- Woman of the Year Nominee
This episode just happens to be so amazing we had to divide it up into two parts! Part one introduces you to the amazing Leslie Coxon, wife, mom, friend, and all around good gal.. Oh and did we mention she just happens to be nominated for Woman of the Year in Houston, Texas?
In this episode, we learn more about Leslie and her amazing journey supporting the Leukemia and Lymphoma society and why she felt the urge to do so. Leslie shares with us how she worked through some feelings of self-doubt when she learned of her nomination, and how she learned to deal with that nagging feeling of “Am I enough?” we all feel at one time or another.
You will also hear more about the special connection she shares with our Mission here at Simple Joy!
❤️ The Debbie Meyer Research Grant ❤️
This past fall we lost our Mom to cancer after a short and brutal 6 month fight. Lauren and her girls moved from Dallas to St. Louis while her husband traveled back and forth so she could be one of her caregivers while she was very sick and be with our family after mom passed. Watching someone you love struggle through cancer is one of the most heart wrenching, unimaginable things you might ever do. Their pain is so great and there’s nothing you can do to “fix” it. We learned on a very personal level the impact organizations like LLS make in the lives of families going through these difficult times. It was non profits like these that helped my mom during her chemo session, volunteers that gave their time to help us get her in and out of the car, and so much more. The sense of peace we have knowing that there is money going to research to help make a world that NO one has to suffer the way my mom did, and families don’t have to go through the heartache we did, is beyond fulfilling. Shortly after our mom lost her fight to cancer in September 2018, Leslie reached out to tell me about her nomination and we were beyond ecstatic for her. She is so deserving and her heart to give is so big. Lauren wasn’t prepared and left speechless (which is NOT like her) when she told her she wants to name the first $50,000 of donations towards a grant in honor of our Mom, Debbie Meyer. After losing our mom, we were overwhelmed with grief, loss, and even a little bit of “what even just happened?” If we are being really honest, we had a lot of anger. My mom spent a lot of her time volunteering and giving back to her community and felt like the world just lost the great impact my mom made in others lives. So we decided to start a community outreach and named it Simple Joy in honor of our mom. Each month we choose an organization we want to lift up and celebrate within our community to fundraise for by selling the SOFTEST shirts!

For the length of a Leslie’s campaign, Simple Joy will donate all proceeds towards Leslie’s team!