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  • Simple Joy
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Words no one wants to 3 am!

Writer's picture: Simple JoySimple Joy

"Mom...Cooper just threw up on me." I heard as a dark figured peered over me as I laid sleeping in my bed. I glanced at the clock...3:04 am.

Let's rewind to 8pm the night before.  All 3 kids were clean and tucked sweetly into their beds after a wonderful evening visiting with family.  My sister and her little ones were in town and luckily unfortunately, due to the fabulous winter weather, my son's practice was canceled.  We were all able to get together for a quick bite at our favorite local Mexican restaurant before heading home to get everyone ready for nighttime shenanigans.  After reading a story together and tuck-ins, I walked away with the boys snuggled up together in my youngest son's bed.  It was hard to walk away with all the patting myself on the back and all, but I managed.  

All went according to plan...I was able to fold some laundry and do some lesson plans for the coming week.  I even had a glass of wine and enjoyed some "This is Us" viewing with my my husband, who sadly, was suffering from a very severe case of M.C. (man cold) I digress...back to the the tv watching. Rebecca and Jack always have a way of making me stare at the television and think how wonderful it must be to raise triplets! After realizing I was crazy for even thinking that ridiculous thought, I decided to head to bed before 10 o'clock because I was hitting the treadmill at 5 am.   I was rocking life.

And then 3:04 am happened.  My sweet, but terrified of anything vomit related oldest son came down and said those nasty words.  After helping him get his "dirty" shirt off and cleaned up, I rushed upstairs to find his little brother groggy and covered.  You know how the rest of this story goes...comfort, clean, and repeat when they do it all over again!

My eyes were burning, but I could see it was now close to 4 am.  My mind raced...should I put in for a sub now or sleep until 6 am and hope this was just a dream and he really wasn't sick.  I chose to be a responsible parent, thank you very much, and decided to call a spade, a spade. The kid was sick and I wasn't going back to bed.  Lesson plans awaited me and so did my morning routine.  

I must say, it did feel good to jump on the treadmill and get a few miles in before getting started with my day...said no mom ever after a pre-morning wake-up call!  

Instead, I opted for a Chai Tea Latte and morning snuggles with my stinky, sick kid.  I figured my immune system was unstoppable after 14 years spent with 8 and 9 year olds all day.  I'll take this surprise day of coloring, Moana, and Lego building, even if it starts with those terrible words at 3 am.


© 2018 by Simple Joy Sisters. 


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